The objective of EHS Tiger Football Booster Club, Inc. is to promote and provide support for the game of football in the Edwardsville, Illinois area by providing support for football related events and associated and/or related events in order to promote team spirit, good sportsmanship and molding future citizens while instilling a growing love of the game.
We take pride that our Club is a parent-run volunteer organization. We work very hard to always represent the EHS Football Tiger players, coaches & staff in the best light possible. We appreciate the contributions of time, muscle, talent and sweat equity that each of our volunteers give and know that the donations and support we receive from local business and our community help us achieve what we do each and every year.
EHS Tiger Football Booster Club, Inc. is a qualified 501(c)(3) entity. Please seek the counsel of your tax adviser regarding deductibility of donations to this or any other charitable organization.